The Effect of Romantic Cartoon Movie to Children Under Age Growing (Study on the Implication of Movie)

Maryam M Lughu(1),

(1) Universitas Nusantara Manado
Corresponding Author


The purpose of the writing is to find out the effect in watching romantic movie to the children under age growing and the way to handle the problem which categorized dangerous in case the children mingle tightly with any types of gadgets and get the computer lesson from school. This process uses qualitative approach. The data is taken based on the data from books, article or information from newspaper that uses six steps. There are organizing and preparing, reading, coding, describing, advancing and evaluating. The meaning of learning theoretically and practically is expected that the result of the learning can give contribution to special department such as ICPD (Indonesian children protection department) or in Indonesian it is called KPAI. Beside that, it is expected that the result can help the reader or learner in learning the way in handling problems related to the children under age growing. In this part, it is determined not to reveal the flaws or talk about people’s mistakes but it tends to the handling process of children under age in modern area.

Keywords : Cartoon Movie, Romantic, Children Under Age, Soul Growing, Effect


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DOI: 10.36412/jellt.v3i01.743


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