Anni Niswah Ulul Azmi(1), Januarius Mujiyanto(2),

(1) English Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
(2) English Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Corresponding Author


The definition of shiftisamovingordeparturefromonegrammaticalsystemofthesourcelanguage to another grammatical system in the target language without changing the meaning of it. There are twomain types of shifts in translation, level shifts and category shifts. This studyattempted to describe the existence of shifts especially category shifts only ofwords,phrases,clauses,andsentencesfromtheEnglishversionto the Indonesianversionofthetranslationofthebilingualbook entitled“HistoryBilingualTextbook for Junior High School Year VII” published by Yrama Widya. I used a descriptive qualitative methodas aresearchdesignin the processof analysis. I analyzed the category shifts occurred in words bywords,phrasesbyphrases,clausesbyclauses,andsentencesbysentencescarefully. The study found out that the category shifts occurred in the all of thechapters of the textbook consisted of structure, unit, class,andintra-systemshiftin words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. From the analysis of the study, I can conclude that the category shifts that occurred in the process of textbook translation happened because of four reasons. First, there weregrammaticalchanges specifically in the order of the words.Second,the source texts that located in the differentranks of the unit. Third,the source text that located in the different classes or parts of speech. Fourth, the plural source texts that mostly translated into singular nouns in the target texts.


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DOI: 10.36412/jellt.v6i2.2885


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