Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Lansung Dengan Media Audio-Video dan Media Kongkret Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Di Kelas V
This research aims to improve students' learning outcomes on electrical circuit materials through the application of videoaudio media and concrete media. This study uses a form of classroom action research conducted in 2 (two) cycles, where theresearch in SD Negeri 70 Manado with the research subjects of all V class students amounting to 11 people. Research methods use Classroom Action Research. Data collection is done through observation, documentation and tests. The hypothesis states that allegedly through the application of concrete media can improve learning outcomes in students of grade V elementaryschool Neger 70 Manado. From empirical data obtained the fact that through the application of concrete media can improve student learning outcomes, especially in IPAsubjects. Theinitial grade point average of student learning outcomes is 63.90% and is still below KKM, then cycle II the average score of student learning outcomes is 82.90% and has passed KKM in class V of State Elementary School 70 Manado. So it can be concluded that through video-audio media and concrete media can improve student learning outcomes on IPA learning in class V of State Elementary School 70 Manado.
Keywords: Video-audio learning media and concrete media
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