Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Kimia Pada Materi Larutan Elektolit Dan Non Elektrolit Melalui Model Pembelajaran Student Fasilitator and Explaining

Saliha Laondi


This study aims to determine the increase in chemical
learning outcomes after the learning process of electrolyte
and non-electrolyte solutions with the learning model of
student facilitator and explaning. The research method used
in this study was CAR and was carried out in two cycles,
and each cycle took four stages namely planning,
implementing, observing and observing. The research
subjects were class X MIA 5 SMA Negeri 1 Bolangitan
Barat with a total of 25 students. Data collected through
observation sheets and written tests. Data from observations
were analyzed and interpreted based on literature review
and learning outcomes data were analyzed based on
students' mastery learning. indicator of the success of this
study is if at least 80% of students have obtained a
minimum score of 68. Results of the application of research
using the learning model of Student Facilitator And
Explaining proved to significantly improve the learning
outcomes of electolyte and non-electrolyte solution
materials and be able to increase student activity in
learning.Keywords: Chemistry learning outcomes, learning model of Student
Facilitator And Explaining.

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