Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Example Non Example Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Sains Tentang Energi Panas Pada Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri Taraitak.

Fianita Kereh, Joulanda A. M. Rawis, Mozes Y. Legi


The purpose of this study was to improve the results of
learning science about heat energy through the Example Non
Example Learning Model of Class IV students at SD Negeri
Taraitak. In this study the subjects studied were 8 students.
This study uses classroom action research with four stages,
namely planning, implementing, observing, reflecting. Data
collection techniques are using observation sheets and
learning outcomes tests. Data were analyzed by calculating
the percentage of mastery learning. The indicator of the
success of this study is the class average ≥ 80%. The results
showed in the first cycle the average class was achieved at
65%, this result was declared incomplete in accordance with
the research indicators which was 80%. The study was
continued in cycle 2 with 83% results. The results of this
study prove that the application of the example non example
learning model can improve the learning outcomes of
Science about Heat Energy.Keywords: example non example learning model

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