Maryam Margareta Lughu(1),

(1) Universitas Negeri Manado
Corresponding Author


The purpose of the analysis is to find out the attitude of trust showed by King David in Holy Bible in the book of Psalm. This analysis reveals the attitude of trust that is stated by words in poetry in the book of Psalm. Descriptive Qualitative method is used to analyze primary and secondary data from the book of Psalm and also from the articles or books that support the data by using some steps or procedures that is : to organize and prepare all the data needed, read the data which is the book of Psalm and other references then analyze data by identifying the sentences that represent the statement of having a trust of King David to God. The meaning of this learning both theory and practice is expected to give contribution to the readers about what and how trust is and how they apply it well and correctly.

Keywords: attitude of trust, Holy Bible, The Book of Psalm, King David


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DOI: 10.36412/jellt.v4i1.938


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