Code Switching in Jimmy Oentoro’s Sermon “Hidup Dalam Pengaruh Roh Kudus”

Ria Karlina Muntu(1),

(1) Manado State University
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This research entitled “An Analysis of Code Switching in sermon Hidup Dalam Pengaruh Roh Kudus By Jimmy Oentoro.” The sermon is taken from U-Channel Television Program Lives Full Live which aired on the 2nd of June 2015. This research is conducted to answer the research questions on types of code switching and their functions in Jimmy Oentoro’s sermon “Hidup Dalam Pengaruh Roh Kudus. This study is descriptive, which is tried to describe the types and the functions of code switching that found in this sermon. This research used the theory of Wardaugh and Hoffman in types of code switching, and also theory of Gumperz in functions of code switching.  This study is also called qualitative method because the data are collected and analyzed in words or descriptively used the theory of Bodgan and Biklen. The result showed that in his sermon, the most types of code switching commonly found is intra-sentential. Futhermore, the  functions of code switching that  most commonly found is reiteration. The speaker of this sermon used Indonesian-English code switching and vice versa.


Sociolinguistic, code switching, kinds of code switching, function of code switching

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DOI: 10.36412/jellt.v2i02.8


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