Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Student Team Achievement (Stad) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Fisika Pada Siswa Kelas VII SMP N 17 Halmahera Utara

Jamrud Jalal


This study aims to improve physics learning outcomes through the application of the Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) learning model to seventh grade students of SMP N17 North Halmahera. With the formulation of the problem How to Apply the Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) Learning Model to Improve Physics Learning Outcomes in Class VII Students of SMP N17 North Halmahera. This study uses classroom action research (CAR) with data collection techniques, namely observation and tests. The research subjects were seventh grade students of SMP N17 North Halmahera. The data analysis technique used is the calculation of the percentage and average student learning outcomes in each cycle. The implementation of the first cycle of 25 students of class VII there are 14 students who get a score of <65 with a learning completeness percentage of 56% while the other 11 students get a score of 65 with a percentage of 44%. And the average student learning outcomes in the first cycle is 63.2. Meanwhile, the implementation of the second cycle of student learning outcomes has increased. From the number of class VI students of SMP N17 North Halmahera as many as 25 people, the number of students who have a score of 65 is 22 so that the percentage increases to 88% with an average score of 74.44. With this it can be concluded that the application of the Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) learning model can improve physics learning outcomes for students Seventh Class of SMP N 17 Halmahera Utara.

 Keywords:Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) learning model, learning outcomes, physics

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