Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Melalui Metode Diskusi Tema 4 Subtema 1 Pada Pembelajaran Daring Dikelas Iv Sekolah Dasar

Yuni Chanisa Manurung


This research aims to improve student learning outcomes through the theme discussion method 4 subthema 1 on online learning in class IV Elementary School. The method of discussion in learning is a way of presenting / delivering subject matter where the teacher provides opportunities to students / groups of students who hold scientific talks to gather opinions, make conclusions or draw up various alternative solutions to a problem. By using discussion methods able to motivate students to work on tasks or in problem solving together. Seeing the learning results carried out by teachers with researchers in two actions that the learning process using discussion methods, can improve the learning outcomes of grade IV students in subjects Indonesian, IPS, IPA material about these types of work. Based on the observation sheet of teacher and student activities and evaluation test tools that have been realized over two cycles prove the implementation of acceptable actions in the sense that discussion methods can improve student learning outcomes from teacher and student activity observation sheets and evaluation test tools show maximum gain with improved learning results from the beginning to end of the cycle in accordance with performance indicators.

Keywords: Learning outcomes, discussion methods, online learning

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