Pengembangan Pedoman Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Tematik Kurikulum 2013 Kelas VI Tema 6 “Menuju Masyarakat Sejahtera

Yohanes Nikodemus Wosal


This research began from the use of the 6th grade teacher's book theme 6 curriculum 2013. The student's book mentions that learning requires media. This shows that the media cannot be separated in learning activities. The instruments in this study used observation, interviews, and data collection. Based on the results of the collection of these instruments obtained data that teachers need guidelines for media creation. The purpose of this research is to explain the process of developing thematic media creation curriculum 2013 class 6 theme 6 "Towards a Prosperous Society" and describe the guidelines for making thematic media curriculum 2013 class 6 theme 6 "Towards a Prosperous Society". Based on this stage, researchers developed a book entitled "guidelines for media creation and rpp thematic grade 6 curriculum 2013" specifically theme 6. The book contains two parts. The first part contains the steps of media creation accompanied by photos, and the second part contains RPP that applies a scientific approach.

Keywords: Thematic learning media, rpp, scientific approach 

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