Pengembangan Kurikulum K-13 Di SDN 2 Tomohon

Winni Saferli


This research aims to find out how the curriculum in SDN 2 Tomohon. And this study is qualitative research that describes the situation in the actual facts systematically. While data collection uses the technique of investigation and interview. Curriculum development in SDN 2 Tomohon always adjusts to the conditions of learners, and the circumstances in school so that learning goals can be achieved well without any obstacles. The principles of the curriculum in SDN 2 Tomohon are competencybased curriculum in the form of attitudes, knowledge and skills packaged in various subjects, this curriculum is centered on learners to develop their interests and talents. Based on the results of interviews and discussions that have been put forward, it can be concluded that SDN 2 Tomohon teachers have been able to develop the Curriculum in accordance with the principles and components of the 2013 Curriculum including the objective component, content component, method component, and evaluation component adjusted to the conditions of learners and environmental conditions around the school. Based on these results, in developing the curriculum, an understanding of the components of the curriculum is needed to be able to plan learning well, because planning learning is very important so that learning can be more targeted and learning goals can be achieved properly.

Keywords: Development, curriculum K-13 

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