Peran Media Pembelajaran TV Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa SD N 2 Tataaran Pada Masa Covid-19

Junita Kumarurung


The purpose of this study is to describe the role of TV media in growing student motivation in SD Negeri 2 Tataaran. This research uses a qualitative research approach. The research method used is the case study research method. In this study the author is the main instrument that reveals data that starts from the planner, executor and data collector as well as analysis and interpreting the data. The results of this study state that the use of TV learning media can foster student learning motivation while studying at home during the Covid-19 pandemic, because TV learning media is designed as a learning medium that does not require the physical presence of teachers. The making of this TV learning media is packaged to help students learn from home during the Covid-19 pandemic to achieve the specified learning goals, with clear instructions and work guidelines, the presentation of the materials is ordered, neat and easy to understand and the availability of measuring or evaluation tools.

Keywords: TV learning media, student’s motivation, learning during the Covid-19 pandemic

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