Pembelajaran Kontekstual Pada Anak Berkesulitan Belajar Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA di SD GMIM XV Manado

Selvius Kandow


The purpose of this study was to get a picture of improving
student learning outcomes with special learning difficulties
in science lessons through a contextual approach at SD 15
Manado. The research method used was classroom action
research on grade VI students of SD GMIM 15 Manado. This
class action research was carried out in one cycle using the
following procedure: (1) planning, (2) implementing the
action (3) observing, and (4) reflecting. Data collection
consists of: 1) Learning outcomes data obtained through
written tests, 2) Data about the learning process situation is
obtained through observation sheets, 3) Data about the
relationship between planning and implementation of actions
is obtained through observation sheets. The research
instruments included written tests, worksheets and
observation sheets. Qualitative data will be analyzed using
qualitative analysis. The results showed (a) the objectives
expected in this proposed study were to improve student
learning outcomes that continuously learn about cell
material, organs and organ systems through contextual
learning models achieving mastery learning by groups; (b)
the hypothesis of the prescribed actions is acceptable, namely
the learning of cells, organs and organ systems using
contextual through a contextual learning model, the results of
continuous student learning achieve mastery learning in
groups.Keywords: special learning difficulties, science lessons, contextual

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