Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Demonstrasi Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Materi Sistem Perapasan Manusia Siswa Kelas V SD Inpres Kakaskasen 2

Agnes Maria Goni, Zoya Sumampow, Natalia Synthia Bujung


This study aims to improve student learning outcomes on
human respiratory system material. This study uses a class
action research design proposed by Kemmis and MC
Taggart. The subject of the research was grade V students
SD Inpres Kakaskasen II which totaled 39 students. the
results showed that in the first cycle the percentage of
student learning outcomes only reached 28% and in the
second cycle the percentage of learning outcomes reached
89.74%. Based on the results of these studies it can be
concluded that the application of the demonstration learning
model can improve the learning outcomes of human
respiratory system material in class V students SD Inpres
Kakasksen IIKeywords: demonstration learning model, learning outcomes, human
respiratory system.

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