Analisis Landasan Filosofi dalam Buku berjudul Model Blended Learning Berbasis Moodle

Jeane Tuilan, Darmiyati Zuchdi


This study aims to reference the philosophical foundation
contained the book entitled “Model Blended Learning
Berbasis Moodle” written by Oktaria, Budiningsi &
Risidianto, (2018). This book presents the integration of
technology that is increasingly develop over time which
underlines changes in the education system. Blended
learning is a combination of online-based learning with
conventional learning style (face-to-face). This book helps
students and lecturers better to recognize and understanding
the benefits of integrating technology in learning. In general,
each book is made and constructed with different goals and
benefits form one another, depending on the content
presented by the author. In line with this research objectives
that have been stated previously, the method used in this
study is content analysis by Barelson in (Zuchdi & Afifah,
2019). Data source is the document of this the book. Data
analysis technique used the content analysis scheme
according to Kripendorff (2004): (1) Unitizing, (2)
Recording, (3) Sampling, (4) Reducing, and (5) Inferring.
Based on the results of the research and discussion in this
study, it can be stated that the philosophical foundations
contained in the book intitled “Model Blended Learning
Berbasis Moodle” are Idealism and Pragmatism.Keywords:

Blended Learning, Moodle, Philosophical Foudation

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