Publication Ethics

Kompetensi and Universitas negeri Manado takes seriously the responsibility of all of its journal publications to reflect the highest in publication ethics. Thus all journals and journal editors are expected to abide by the Journal's codes of ethics. Refer to Kompetensi's Code of Ethics for full details:


The author must ensure that when a manuscript is submitted to Kompetensi, the manuscript must be an original work. The Author should check the manuscript for any possible plagiarism using any program such as Turnitin or any other software before submitting the manuscripts to the Kompetensi Editorial Office, Journal Division.

 All submitted manuscripts must be in the Journal's acceptable similarity index range: < 20% - PASS; > 20% - REJECT.

The Guest Editor must submit the full reports of the originality check for each manuscript to the Chief Executive Editor to substantiate the acceptable similarity index range.

Lag time

A decision on acceptance or rejection of a manuscript is reached in 3 to 4 months (average 14 weeks). The elapsed time from submission to publication for the articles averages 5-6 months.


Authors are not permitted to add or remove any names from the authorship provided at the time of initial submission without the consent of the Journal's Chief Executive Editor.

Manuscript preparation Refer to Kompetensi's INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS at the back of this journal.