Pengaruh Fasilitas Belajar Di Rumah Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas Tinggi Di SD Katolik Kinilow

Agnes M Goni, Steven Mandey, Joy Kesek


This finding aims to describe the learning facilities in the homes of high-class students at the Kinilow Catholic Elementary School, the learning achievement of the high-class students at the Kinilow Catholic Elementary School, and to find out the effect of learning facilities at home on the learning achievement of the high-class students at the Kinilow Catholic Elementary School. This study is a quantitative study with an ex-post facto type of research with a research population of all high-class learners (IV, V, and VI) at Kinilow Catholic Elementary School which numbered 44 people.  The sampling technique used is a saturated sampling technique that is all members of the population are sampled. The data collection method for home study facility variables uses a closed questionnaire model with the Guttman scale, while for learning achievement variables using documentation methods in the form of odd semester exam scores. Descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis are data analysis techniques used in this finding. The conclusion of this study is the influence between home learning facilities with learning achievement of learners shown with a value of thitung = 4,400 ttabel = 2,018 when compared to both counted 4,400 > ttabel 2,018 then H0 rejected and Ha accepted. Judging from the count of R square = 0.316, which means home study facilities have an effect of 31.6%, so that the variable of learning facilities at home has a significant and positive influence on the learning achievement of high-class students at Kinilow Catholic Elementary School and the remaining 68.4% is influenced by other aspects.


Keywords: Home study facilities, learning achievement

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