Penerapan Model Pembelejaran Jigsaw Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa IPS Kelas V Di SD Negeri 2 Moyongkota Baru

Fatma H Mamonto


This research focuses on improving the activities and learning outcomes of IPS learners of class V SD Negeri 2 Moyongkota Baru through a jigsaw type learning model. The method in this finding uses class action (PTK) research conducted in 2 cycles. There are four stages through which the two cycles are: planning, implementation, observation and reflection. While the data collection techniques used are tests, observations and interviews. Where the test is useful to collect data from the learning results of students of class V of State Elementary School 2 Moyongkota Baru, furthermore for interviews and observations are used to explore some data about the IPS learning process, the state of learners and educators and student responses when learning. The data that has been collected is then analyzed by calculating the percentage of completion of student learning evaluation results. The establishment of a jigsaw-type learning model on the activities and learning outcomes of learners has shown improvements in each cycle, this is in accordance with the results of data found in this study. Where in cycle I obtained 59% while in the second cycle reached 91%. So with the conclusion that the use of jigsaw type learning models is able to increase the activity and learning outcomes of IPS students of class V of State Elementary School 2 Moyongkota Baru. With the increase, investigators hope that teachers at the elementary school level can be able to use the model well for the good of education in the future.

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