Ronny G. Dumanauw, Julduz R. Paus


The organizational culture in the Learning Activity Center (SKB) as an out-of-school education unit has an important role in finding innovative works from the civil service to serve or meet the learning needs of the community outside the formal education system (school). The research problem is formulated as follows: How does the Head encourage tutors to do innovation work in the North Minahasa Learning Center education unit and the extent to which work activities are organized around non-individual teams in the education unit of the North Minahasa Learning Activity Center. This study used a qualitative research method, by placing the Head of the Learning Activity Center as the primary data source and the tutor as the secondary data source which was determined by purposive sampling and snow ball sampling techniques. Data were collected using interview and observation techniques where the researcher was the main technique. Data were analyzed using interactive techniques from Miles and Huberman. Conclusion: The head of the Learning Activity Center encourages tutors to do innovative work in the form of giving special awards to tutors who can create and produce programs that have innovative aspects and are beneficial for improving the welfare of learning citizens or the community. In the North Minahasa Learning Activity Center, the tutors are formed into three working teams called the Working Group, namely the Equality and Functional Literacy Education working group, the Course and Skills working group and the Non-formal PAUD working group. Each budget year the working group must compile a proposal for activities to the district government through the PAUD and Dikmas sectors at the Education and Culture Office and through the Provincial Early Childhood Development Center and Dikmas as representatives and the Director General of PUD and Dikmas of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. Suggestion Each head of the Learning Activity Center in carrying out his leadership should encourage tutors to have a spirit based on the goal of producing innovative programs. These tutors need to be formed in working groups, so that their field of work is focused on working groups, of course they must work together with other working groups.


Keywords: Organizational culture, learning activity center


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