Application of the Word Square Learning Model in Japanese Vocabulary Learning for Yadika Langowan High School Students

Jajat Sudrajat, Sandra Rakian, Helena L. Pandi


Foreign languages, especially Japanese, have the goal of making students capable and skilled in Japanese. In Japanese, besides having four skills, such as: speaking, reading, listening, and writing, it also has linguistic aspects that we can observe from the letters used, vocabulary, pronunciation system, grammar, and the variety of languages from the aspect of sound, intonation. , sentence patterns and so on. So that vocabulary is one aspect of language that plays an important role in learning Japanese.
To achieve maximum results in mastering Japanese vocabulary, many teachers have used various kinds of learning models. It's just that the application of the learning model that is not quite right cannot achieve maximum results even in the learning process it can result in students feeling bored and bored. This can be a concern for beginner students in learning Japanese in high school. Therefore, a Japanese teacher is required to be more professional and more creative in presenting Japanese language subject matter to make it interesting and fun. When looking at the lesson plans at SMA Yadika Langowan, the teacher still uses the conventional method where the teacher writes and the students memorize.
In this study, the author tries to prove that the Word Square learning model is an effective learning model used in Japanese language learning, especially in this case vocabulary. Therefore, in order for the research results to be proven, the authors used a quasi-experimental method (Quasi Experiment) by using a one-group pre-test and post-test design pattern, namely experiments carried out in only one group without a comparison group.
This research was conducted by giving a pre-test first, then given treatment, namely teaching vocabulary using the Word Square Learning Model, after that given the final test (post-test).
Keywords: Teaching, nihongo, adjective

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