Pengajaran Nihongo Doushi Te-Kei Di Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni

Jajat Sudrajat


The purpose of this study is to obtain accurate data regarding the ability of students to convert verbs in Japanese into the -TE form. The method used in this research is descriptive method which focuses on the actual problems that exist in the present, then the data collected is first arranged and explained and then analyzed. To obtain accurate data in this study, the research technique used was a test. The population in this study were UNIMA Japanese language study program students. The sample in this study is the second semester students numbering 25 people. Analysis of the data used is to calculate the percentage of completeness of learning outcomes. The results of the study obtained an average value of learning outcomes of 38%. Based on the research data, it is concluded that there are still students who have not mastered well how to change verbs in Japanese.

Keywords: nihongo doushi te-kei

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