Penerapan Pengajaran Langsung Berbasis Behaviorisme Melalui Latihan Terbimbing Untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Matematika

Murni Sulistyaningsih


The objectives of this study are: 1). to receive empirical data about the implementation of mathematics learning (integral / anti-derivative subject) using fully behavior-based through guided practice, 2). to find out the improvement of Integral (anti-derivative) mathematics learning outcomes by using direct discussion based on behaviorism through guided exercises. The implementation of this research uses a class action research design, which each cycle includes: planning (planning), implementing the action (action), observation (observation), and reflection (reflection). The research subjects were lecturers and second semester students majoring in Natural Sciences, FMIPA Unima, in the 2018/2019 academic year, who participated in learning Mathematics Integral (anti-derivative) totaling 25 students. The results showed that the Implementation of Behaviorism-Based Direct Teaching through Guided Exercise To Improve Learning Achievements Integral subject was effective, because: (a) student activities in effective learning, (b) the ability of instructors to teach effective learning, (c) student responses to learning were positive, (d) classical learning completeness is obtained, in the amount of 100% of students obtained a value of ≥ 2.00. This research was carried out as much as 2 cycles, in the first cycle of learning has not been effective, because the mastery factor has not increased, there are still 6 students who have not been thoroughly completed individual, and the second cycle of individual and classical learning completeness has been fulfilled. Thereby providing guided practice on behavior based that students can do to discuss Integral (anti-derivative) material and this class action research cycle is terminated in cycle II.

Keywords: direct teaching, behaviorism, guided practice, and mathematics learning achievement


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