Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Beerbasis Proyek Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Pembelajaran Manajemen Konstruksi

Djubir Ruslan Eddy Kembuan


The purpose of this study is to improve the learning outcomes of construction management in the psychomotor domain by applying project-based learning methods. The results of construction management learning are knowledge and skills in making project budget plans, project work plans and field plans. The formulation of the problem in this research is how the application of project-based learning methods can improve the learning outcomes of construction management. This study uses a class action research method. The subjects in this study were building engineering education students who contracted construction management courses even semester 2019-2020 semester. The application of the project-based learning model in this study uses the construction project of the Syaloom Karombasan manse building. The evaluation process in this study was carried out in two stages, namely is evaluation of process and evaluation of learning outcomes. The results of this study state that the learnig outcome of construction management learning can be improved by applying project-based learning methods. Improved learning outcomes achieved in the application of project-based learning methods because the learning process created is able to increase learning activities and develop students' creativity so that they work together to optimize the results of construction management learning.

Keywords: project based learning method, learning outcomes, construction management course.

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