Model Pembelajaran Menarik Dengan Menggunakan Aplikasi Kahoot Sebagai Bahan Evaluasi Keberhasilan Belajar Untuk Mahasiswa

Sinta Elisa Jelita Kaunang


Interesting learning model is a method for transferring knowledge in order to maintained the quality of education and teaching skill, especially during pandemic coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID19) by not reducing the quality of teaching during Work From Home, an interesting form of learning by utilizing learning media in the network is proven to be able to optimize student learning success. This research was carried out on Psychology Study Program Students, Faculty of Education, Manado State University, during the even semester learning period of Abnormal Psychology courses attended by 48 students. The subject begins by attending synchronous offline learning at the beginning of the meeting and proceeding synchronously and asynchronously online using the google classroom (asynchronous) and Zoom Cloud Meeting (synchronous) media. Evaluation of student learning success through the Kahoot game application (gamebased learning) results in a percentage of 80.62% of students' success in answering all the questions given. It can be concluded that the learning model is interesting and fun by using the Kahoot application as an evaluation of learning success for students and also able to maintain the quality of education and teaching significantly.

Keywords: knowledge transfer, work from home, learning models, online, kahoot.

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