Penerapan Metode Problem Solving untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS di Kelas IV SD Inpres II Tumaratas

V Manitik, C M Pesak


Learning Social Sciences (IPS) is not as expected where it is found in the implementation of learning, teachers still apply conventional learning processes, in presenting the material concepts teachers sometimes only use the lecture method, by utilizing textbooks to handle each student. This makes the students lack of understanding of the material being taught, students become less interested and less active in class. To overcome these problems can use the problem solving method or called the Problem Solving Method is a way of teaching that stimulates someone to analyze and synthesize in a unified structure or situation where the problem is on their own initiative. This study aims to increase student interest in learning especially in social studies subjects in natural resource material. This study uses classroom action research (CAR) by Kemmis and Mc. Taggart argues that this class action research model consists of four stages: planning, implementing actions, observing and reflecting. These four stages are carried out in two cycles. From the two learning cycles that have been carried out using the Problem Solving Method obtained different results where in the first cycle student learning outcomes 62.30% in the second cycle student learning outcomes achieved good success, reaching 92.30%. Thus it can be concluded, with the application of the Problem Solving Method can improve student learning outcomes in grade IV SD N Inpres II Tumaratas.

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